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broken weather 陰晴不定的天氣。

broken wind

Many parts of the world experienced extreme record - breaking weather conditions in terms of heat , rainfall or drought , a report by the world meteorological organization said 世界許多地區遭遇極端氣候侵襲,包括破紀錄的高溫、降雨或乾旱,國際氣象組織公布的報告指出。

They tiptoed out , through the broken weather - boarding , and stopped at a little distance to exchange a parting word 他倆踮著腳,溜到了破爛的擋風木板墻外邊,沒走多遠就道了別分了手。

Broken weather is not a ideal day to picnic 陰晴不定的天氣不適合去野餐。